About membership

Find out what your membership will entail; the process, events, workshops, online and in-person meetings. Our membership structure is based on your need to address today’s operational challenges, while progressing tomorrow’s strategic direction.

How we do it

Engaging and learning with the community of leaders at a human level is at the heart of MD2MD, known as peer-to-peer learning. Through a blended approach of online and in-person sessions and events, your membership gives you access to a diverse range of expertise, real world knowledge and insights from other leaders who have been through or going through the same challenges as you are.

The Membership

An investment in becoming an even better leader positively impacts you and your business. A mix of online and in-person Peer Group Challenge Boards, provides you with a confidential platform to raise the issues you face  and discuss solutions with your peers.  Gain access to regular online events that are curated specifically for you and your senior team.



Our Community

Business leaders more often than not, face uncharted waters both internally and externally. Not having the answers is ok. The community allows you to tap into collective knowledge and experience in a constructive, collaborative and empathic way, whilst remaining adaptive to test ideas and opinions, gaining unbiased feedback from your peers in planning a way forward. 

Peer Groups

Peer groups are the core of the membership. Structured for you, the business leader,  with the guidance of dedicated facilitators. The groups are designed to enable the sharing of issues you are wrestling with at that point in time. The essence of the group is centered around the ‘challenge board method’, a unique, yet simple set of steps to unpack a challenge being faced. By the nature of the conversations, the peer groups are confidential where the group can really get into the nitty gritty of a challenge.


Curated specifically for you, the events cover a range of topical, trending and relevant content to suit your needs. From expert-led interactive workshops where the subject-matter expert digs into a specific topic providing you with valuable bite sized takeaways, to special interest groups. These events are the perfect forum to include your management teams.

Take the next step

Become part of a collaborative community of business leaders that value peer to peer learning. Listening, supporting and sharing perspectives alongside access to leading industry expert speakers, helping you become a better leader to build a better business.


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